September 25, 2007
The Short of It with Grey Holiday
We're introducing a new feature on The Buzz. Simply put, we ask new bands five questions. This is your informal introduction to... Grey Holiday.
1. "The Glorious Revolution" has only six tracks of songs. What gives?
Matt Minor: The music industry is changing and we’re very interested in evolving with it. With the rise of digital music (mainly via iTunes) and because there is so much quality music out there, consumers are getting shorter and shorter attention spans. I’m just as guilty as the next person. So we decided to release new music, more often. We’ll be releasing another project in 8 to 10 months.
2. As a new artist with so much talent, why did you go into the
Christian market instead of shooting for MTV's TRL or VH1?
Our career really grew organically and for us our faith is not something that we just profess from stage, it’s who we are. We’re making honest music about being Christian men and this side of the industry is where we fit. Not to say that we wouldn’t be relevant in mainstream music – God’s message and hope is needed everywhere.
3. I hear you're giving up two mochas a month. Why is that?
We teamed up with a group called Mocha Club to make a difference in the third world. It gives us the opportunity to create a community that is focused on people other than ourselves. By joining, you give $7 a month (the price of two mochas) to our specific project in Darfur. It’s amazing how far that amount of money can go in the Sudan… it can honestly save lives. I’d love for you to check out more info on Mocha Club. To do that, head on over to our to our website at and at the bottom of the homepage there is a link for mocha club where you can learn more about this great cause.
4. What's your must-have item on the road?
Right now, we’re all hooked on PSP. It’s sad but true – I guess we should be reading or something…
5. If one song summed up Grey Holiday's mission and purpose in the
industry, what song would it be?
“Revolution” is crying out our desire to free ourselves from the world’s pace and to walk in step with God. I think the same can be said with our hope for our career in this industry. It’s easy to get lost in worldly concerns – even in Christian music. God has big plans though, and we’re excited to see them come to fruition.
Interested? Check out their new album.

The Glorious Revolution (2007)
Got comments? Drop me a line.