Thanks one and all for the many e-mails, calls etc. in regard to the Streets of Sturgis, South Dakota motorcyclists and Jim Hamilton story on The 700 Club a few days ago. Subsequently, more than 800 people called into our counseling center and prayed and made their first steps toward a relationship and life journey with Jesus Christ.
For some time people have been asking me for my personal history pre- and post-CBN. Some of this is chronicled in my book Scott Free which has been reissued in a limited edition.
However, recently our people here at CBN Internet Media turned the tables on me, the interviewer, and asked me to become the interviewee, telling various stories that constitute some of the events on my life journey to date. Craig von Buseck conducted the interview and Jason Sonvico, an editor extraordinaire, collated years of photographs, and audio and video material that supplement highlights of my adventure of following the Lord; or at least trying to. And it continues…
Of course I’m always interested in your comments and feedback.
Here’s Part 1 of a five part series. 
Contact Scott Ross