“No discussion of
moral capital and its effect on our moral ecology
and the family is complete without addressing directly
the great moral issue of our age. Abortion is a toxin,
methodically polluting our fragile moral ecosystem.
It poisons everyone it touches, from the mother and
her ill-fated child, to the mother and father’s
families, to the abortion provider, to each of us
who stand as silent witness to this destruction and
debasement of human life. As a result of abortion
for more than thirty years, over a quarter of all
children conceived in America never took their first
Senator Rick Santorum
book review
It Takes a Family: Conservatism
and the Common Good
By Deacon Ketih Fournier
Third Millenium LLC
CBN.com - I will never
forget sitting in the Senate chambers in 1996 with other pro-life
leaders during a debate on what is called “partial birth
abortion”. We all now know what this act entails, the forced
pulling of a child down the birth canal, ripped from the sanctuary
of first home of the whole human race, her mothers’ womb
– just far enough- to the point where her brains can be
suctioned so as to collapse her skull and kill her. That is what
occurs in this gruesome procedure. Of course, we do not like to
hear of it. We rightly recoil when we do. There is clearly no
medical justification for this brutal act; it is intrinsically
evil and immoral.
Yet, under the horrors of the framework of the Supreme Court’s
decision in Roe v Wade, and the subsequent expansion of this horrid
abuse of judicial authority, this procedure has been “protected”
by law. It is actually called a “right.”
That day I experienced of the heroic and inspired leadership
of Senator Rick Santorum. I had just finished listening to the
sophistry of a woman senator who had tried to justify this horror
by playing to emotions and alluding to women who would somehow
suffer if this evil act was outlawed. She said that she heard
their cries. I was troubled by her abuse of her elected office
to protect this barbarism. I was disturbed by the use of unbridled
power over those who have no voice, because it is muffled by the
womb, in the name of some “right” created out of whole
cloth by a misguided and mistaken judiciary. I was sickened that
this most extreme form of late term abortion was being defended
by public officials like this woman who knew the truth, but continued
the lie.
Then, Senator Rick Santorum spoke, calmly yet passionately, with
the authority that comes from the truth and needs no emotional
manipulation to persuade those who are listening: “The senator
…said she hears the cries of women outside this chamber.
We would be deafened by the cries of the children who are not
here to cry because of this procedure”. He then turned to
his colleague on the Senate floor and cried out with a prophetic
urgency: “Where do we draw the line? Some people have likened
this procedure to an appendectomy. That’s not an appendix!”
He pointed to a diagram he was using to make his appeal which
showed a child being partially delivered. “That is not a
blob of tissue. It is a baby. It’s a baby!”
At that moment, and we all heard it, a baby cried. That cry filled
the chamber and changed the environment. At least one Senator
had the courage to give a voice to all those children. It was
if that cry was the song of solidarity and Senator Santorum became
the champion of those who had no one to speak for them. He also
became a champion to me.
Shortly after that experience, my family and I relocated to Northern
Virginia where I pursued further graduate theology work and engaged
in advocacy on behalf of the causes to which I have committed
my work. As a Catholic Deacon of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia,
I sought and received faculties to serve in my neighboring Diocese
of Arlington while I was engaged in my studies outside of my Diocese.
I was assigned to St. Catherine of Sienna parish in Great Falls,
Virginia. It turned out that was also the Senators parish. For
three years I had the privilege of witnessing his genuine faith
and his beautiful commitment to his family on a weekly basis.
I found in him a man who lives what he professes. I also found
in his family the beauty of Catholic teaching on the family as
a domestic church, lived and demonstrated for all to see.
Over time, my admiration for this man has only grown as I have
followed his career. Throughout my own career, I have hung a picture
of St. Thomas More, the patron of all politicians and public servants,
in my office. As a human rights and constitutional lawyer, Thomas
more has been my patron, an example of a faithful Catholic who
always lived a unity of life and never compromised the truth.
When I first visited the Senators office, I was not surprised
to see the same painting on his wall. I have long believed that
he is a contemporary Thomas More; a man who exemplifies exactly
what we so desperately need in public service these days. He is
an intelligent and deep man, who truly serves the people who elected
him, and his Nation, while remaining faithful to his deeply held
convictions. He has a heart for those who have no voice and is
dedicated to the common good of all.
When I received his book, “It
Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good”, I
was first struck by the title. I have been writing about the concept
of the common good for years, attempting to call my fellow Catholics,
other Christians, people of faith and people of good will to rediscover
the right foundation for their social, cultural, economic and
political participation, the service of the common good. I really
hoped that what I would find within the pages of this book would
not disappoint. I have grown tired of much of the political activism
of the age, it is filled with sloganeering and lacking in substance.
I have rejected contemporary political labels. My positions on
the major issues of our age make it very hard for me to “fit”
any labels. I am pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom (rightly understood),
pro-poor and pro-peace. I seek to inform my political, social,
cultural and economic participation by the principles derived
from my Catholic faith and the Churches wonderful social teaching
which is not simply for Catholics, other Christians, or even simply
religious people, but rather for all people. I was delighted to
see that the framework of this wonderful book follows the insights
and principles that are derived from that rich body of teaching.
The author acknowledges the influence of Catholic social teaching
on his thought. However, he does much more; he presents real substantive
ideas, rooted in the principles derived from that teaching, in
a readable and engaging book which is a breath of fresh air in
a stagnant political landscape. “It Takes a family: Conservatism
and the Common Good” presents a governing vision for the
future of this Nation.
The author clearly understands the essential relationship between
solidarity, (the truth that we are indeed our brothers keeper
and that we have an obligation to the needy), and the application
of the principle of subsidiarity, an ordering principle which
encourages good governance by recognizing the vital role of the
family and the mediating associations and institutions as participating
in that governance, starting from below, at the smallest level
first. He does not fall prey to the trend in some “conservative”
circles to reject the right role of government, or the tendency
in some “liberal” circles to exalt its federalized
version and move from the top down in its application. Rather,
he presents what I would call a vision of “good governance”,
good in its moral foundation and good in its practical application.
His treatment of the right role of faith based and community initiatives
is insightful, thorough and replete with numerous real life, inspiring,
stories from people whose lives, families and communities have
been transformed.
He acknowledges the past shortcomings of “conservatives”
in failing to reach out to the poor and presents an honest and
compelling vision for how they can change that - and are doing
so. However, I wish that he had broadened his own language. He
uses the word “conservative” throughout the book and
at times it sounds as though he is indicating that conservatism
was the solution. He does try to clarify what he means by making
helpful distinctions. He references great conservative thinkers
such as Russell Kirk and separates himself from the failures of
some contemporary conservative efforts.
However, I believe that the ideas compellingly presented in this
fine book will appeal to some who still identify themselves as
“liberals”, even though that term has been stolen
by the modern cultural revolutionaries. I also it believe these
ideas will inspire Democrats whose party, at least at the national
level, has been hijacked. He does make reference to people like
Zell Miller and pro-life Democrats in order to emphasize that
he recognizes there are Democrats who share these ideas. But I
believe that these ideas must become a clarion call for all people
who, like me, are uncomfortable with modern political labels.
He writes of religious freedom as a fundamental human right and
articulates a clear and compelling understanding of the First
Amendment, with both its establishment and free exercise clauses.
In fact, the book gives an excellent treatment of this vitally
important subject. He also takes on the horrid abuse of judicial
power, analyzing the growing problems arising out of the threats
to the separation of powers. But by far, the strongest part of
this book is its clear analysis of the role of the family as the
foundation of a truly free and virtuous society. He takes on the
growing efforts to establish, by judicial fiat or poor legislation,
a legal equivalency between homosexual relationships, unmarried
heterosexual relationships and marriage and with clarity and conviction
warns of the dangers of such a serious error and flagrant disregard
of the natural law.
The framework for a governing vision set forth in this fine
book is built upon the authors discussion of different types of
“capital”; social, economic, moral, cultural and intellectual
and how together they can serve the common good. In fact, the
subtitle of the book is extremely important, because this entire
vision for a truly free and virtuous society is tied to his excellent
presentation of the classical vision of the common good. He also
takes on the root issue behind every other issue, the struggle
over the definition of freedom. Freedom must be exercised with
reference to the truth and serve the common good. In an age that
has mistaken the right to do what one wants as ‘freedom”,
the Senator re-presents a freedom to do what is right, with responsibility
to the other and at the service of the common good.
The issues that we currently face, and their solutions, cannot
be easily labeled as “liberal” or “conservative”,
“left” or “right”. They concern how we
will define our future and whether we will have one. Our age cries
out for a new political vocabulary and a new generation of public
servants who truly care and understand the hour in which we live.
We are engaged in a struggle for the future of freedom itself.
In the words of Pope John Paul II, “freedom itself needs
to be set free”. In the name of “rights” we
have allowed persons to be treated as property, instead of protecting
every life from conception to natural death. The right to life
is the first right and the freedom to be born is the first freedom,
without it there are no others.
We have heard few new ideas concerning our obligations in solidarity
with the poor and needy. In fact, we have often failed to hear
their cry. This book presents many. We have experienced an erosion
of the moral foundation of our social order, as we fail to protect
the place of marriage and the family as the first vital cell of
society. The authors’ discussion of how to create a family
friendly public policy which promotes fidelity and encourages
motherhood, fatherhood and in tact families is well thought out
and practical. It could develop into an entire public policy agenda
and platform for the next election. But, it will take a leader
who can both articulate a vision and help to implement it.
There are many voices pointing out the failures of government
but few voices articulating a vision for good governance. We desperately
need true leaders, intelligent men and women of conviction and
courage, who will impart such a vision and help us to build a
better Nation.
Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good” is
a manifesto for a new kind of politics. It presents a compelling
vision for building a future of true freedom by building a culture
of life, family, freedom and solidarity. When liberalism loses
its soul, it becomes libertinism. When conservatism loses its
soul, it becomes libertarianism. This book proclaims liberty.
It does more than critique what is wrong; it proposes a path to
a brighter future. It is a must read for anyone who cares about
this nation and our future together. I hope that it is widely
read and that its insights form an agenda for governing.
Then, it will take a leader.
Keith A Fournier served as a human rights lawyer and public
policy advocate for twenty five years. He is a graduate of the
Franciscan University of Steubenville, the John Paul II Institute
of the Lateran University and the University Of Pittsburgh School
Of Law. He is a married Catholic Deacon of the Diocese of Richmond,
Virginia. He is the founder of Common Good and was a co-founder
of Your Catholic Voice. The author of seven books and hundreds
of articles, his eighth book, “The Prayer of Mary: Living
the Surrendered Life” will be in bookstores in August. Deacon
Fournier is the Senior Editor of Catholic Online and the Associate
Director of Deacons for Life.
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