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CBN Partners are making a difference sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Find out how. – Marilyn Harper lives with her husband in the rolling hills north of Atlanta, GA. Together they run the oldest licensed taxidermy business in the state.
A fall in the woods while walking her dogs aggravated an injury to her back and neck. She’s suffered chronic pain ever since.
“I was drug down by my dogs while I was out on a walk,” Marilyn says. “They saw some squirrels. I had them on a leash. [The fall] was hard. I had to roll over on my stomach and pick my head up. The pain was severe. It just took over my entire life.”
Marilyn began taking over-the-counter medications like Ibuprofen in large doses and went to chiropractors and doctors, but nothing brought her relief. Things go so bad at the taxidermy shop that she had to do all of her work standing up!
“I was watching The 700 Club, and it got to the prayer section of the Club,” she recalls, “and the host said that if you had pain, put your hand on it. Immediately my hand went to my neck. I thought, ‘Oh no, my back.’ He said, ‘If you have more than one place that aches, then put your hand on your head.’ So I did that and prayed the prayer. After it was over, I just went about my regular day.”
Marilyn began to notice that afternoon that it was easier to get around, and that the pain was gone. But it was two or three days later that the Lord confirmed Marilyn’s healing through a word of knowledge by Pat Robertson.
“One morning I was listening to my TV radio. It’s a radio that picks up TV sound. I heard Pat giving the word of knowledge.”
Pat said, “Someone whose neck is in a terrible bind, you can hardly move your neck. Your muscles are so constricted, and again there’s some arthritis of the spine. God is healing the arthritis, and those muscles are loosening up.”
”I just said, ‘Lord, that’s me!’
"It’s just like I have my life back, a life that I never thought that I would. I thought by now I’d be a cripple, but thank God that there is a God up there and He loves us all. By His grace we can receive blessings like this.”
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