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fathers day Devotion
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Father's Day Devotion

Heaven's Father

By Susan M. Watkins
Guest Writer

0 Comment(s) - I was only seven-years-old but hungered deeply for God. Then life happened. Years advanced and my earlier longings waned with independence and new friends. Father God waited. The depth of His patience cannot be measured by our limited minds. Months stretched into years before I became hungry again. In fact, I was starving. Starved for everything. Like the prodigal, I “came to myself” and went home. Reaching bottom, my life was in tremendous want.

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:1-3

I shall not want. A declaration of such magnitude that only Father God could fulfill it. Mankind’s resources are woefully limited. Our minds, finite. Our ability to heal, restricted. Hunger will always exceed human provision. But His promise stands alone. In exchange of my want, Father God gave me fullness and joy. The doors of His pavilions swung open wide. He invited me to come and see His unending bounty. Like the Queen of Sheba given the royal tour of Solomon’s wealth, I too, was left breathless. I could only duplicate Job’s response and lay my hand upon my mouth in silence.

He restores my soul. Heartbroken and clutching an expired warranty, I approached heaven’s Customer Service counter. Prepared to beg for a crumb, Father God ran toward me shouting orders for a fatted calf, new garments, and His signet ring for my finger. I rubbed my disbelieving eyes. Was that Father God? Running? Towards me? I was greeted with emotional hugs and showered with His kisses. My muddy coat adorned with corn husks, was peeled from my back and a robe of righteousness graced my form. With the family reunion behind us, He made me lie down. Not in the wilderness, but in His prepared green pastures. The chaos banished, I rested. Relaxed beside still waters. And in this place of tranquility, redemption, and safety…He went to task restoring my soul that I might walk on righteous paths.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you…” Jeremiah 1:5a

He knows the end from the beginning. All of our days are recorded in His book. No matter where we’ve gone in life, He was there. He goes ahead of us to prepare our pilgrimage. Proceeding angels ensure a successful journey. Father God’s eye is fastened to our ways. That which concerns us has His full attention.

“How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.” Psalm 139:17-18

Infinite. No point counting the sand. The number increases daily. As do Father God’s loving thoughts toward us. His precious thoughts. Such love is staggering! I cannot help but ask the same question, “Who am I that Thou is mindful of me?” And yet, He runs toward us. With open arms and white teeth flashing behind His excited smile. It gets better.

“The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

Singing? About us? Exulting over us with joy? Our Father in heaven. Running, shouting for joy, singing over us, entertaining countless precious thoughts. Indeed. Before formation in the womb, before ever taking a breath…He knew us. Setting us apart and stamping us “Redeemed.”

This Father’s Day marks my 36th anniversary of disappearing into His forgiving arms. The Father’s love for me still leaves me breathless.

© 2011 Susan M. Watkins

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Susan M WatkinsSusan M. Watkins, award-winning multi-published author formerly wrote for The 700 Club television show. Her work appears in The One Year Life Verse Devotion, Heartfelt Inspirations, Praying from the Heart, America Remembered, and Life Lessons from Dads. Additional credits include,, and as a columnist for a professional writer’s e-newsletter. As a three-time winner in the prestigious 75th, 78th and 80th Writer’s Digest Writing Competitions, and the CAG Writing Competition; expanding avenues await her.

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